Filtering and syntax building

We use the query bar to search interesting events. For example, after entering the word „error”, all events that contain the word will be displayed, additional highlighting them with an orange background.

Fields can be used in the similar way by defining conditions that interesting us. The syntax of such queries is:




This query will display all events that contain the „status” fields with a value of 500.

The field value does not have to be a single, specific value. For digital fields we can specify range in the following scheme:

<fields_name:[<range_from TO <range_to]


status:[500 TO 599]

This query will return events with status fields that are in the range 500 to 599.

The search language used in OP5 allows to you use logical operators „AND”, „OR” and „NOT”, which are key and necessary to build more complex queries.

  • AND is used to combined expressions, e.g. „error AND „access denied”. If an event contain only one expression or the words error and denied but not the word access, then it will not be displayed.
  • OR is used to search for the events that contain one OR other expression, e.g. „status:500” OR “denied”. This query will display events that contain word „denied” or status field value of 500. OP5 uses this operator by default, so query „status:500” “denied” would return the same results.
  • NOT is used to exclude the following expression e.g. „status:[500 TO 599] NOT status:505” will display all events that have a status fields, and the value of the field is between 500 and 599 but will eliminate from the result events whose status field value is exactly 505.
  • The above methods can be combined with each other by building even more complex queries. Understanding how they work and joining it, is the basis for effective searching and full use of OP5 Log Analytics.

Example of query built from connected logical operations:

status:[500 TO 599] AND („access denied" OR error) NOT status:505

Returns in the results all events for which the value of status fields are in the range of 500 to 599, simultaneously contain the word „access denied” or „error”, omitting those events for which the status field value is 505.