CSV Report

To export data to CSV Report click the Reports icon, you immediately go to the first tab - Export Task Management.

In this tab we have the opportunity to specify the source from which we want to do export. It can be an index pattern. After selecting it, we confirm the selection with the Submit button and a report is created at the moment. The symbol can refresh the list of reports and see what its status is.

We can also create a report by pointing to a specific index from the drop-down list of indexes.

We can also check which fields are to be included in the report. The selection is confirmed by the Submit button.

When the process of generating the report (Status:Completed) is finished, we can download it (Download button) or delete (Delete button). The downloaded report in the form of *.csv file can be opened in the browser or saved to the disk.

In this tab, the downloaded data has a format that we can import into other systems for further analysis.