Type of the Alert module rules

The various RuleType classes, defined in OP5-Log-Aalytics. An instance is held in memory for each rule, passed all of the data returned by querying Elasticsearch with a given filter, and generates matches based on that data.

  • Any - The any rule will match everything. Every hit that the query returns will generate an alert.
  • Blacklist - The blacklist rule will check a certain field against a blacklist, and match if it is in the blacklist.
  • Whitelist - Similar to blacklist, this rule will compare a certain field to a whitelist, and match if the list does not contain the term.
  • Change - This rule will monitor a certain field and match if that field changes.
  • Frequency - his rule matches when there are at least a certain number of events in a given time frame.
  • Spike - This rule matches when the volume of events during a given time period is spike_height times larger or smaller than during the previous time period.
  • Flatline - This rule matches when the total number of events is under a given threshold for a time period.
  • New Term - This rule matches when a new value appears in a field that has never been seen before.
  • Cardinality - This rule matches when a the total number of unique values for a certain field within a time frame is higher or lower than a threshold.
  • Metric Aggregation - This rule matches when the value of a metric within the calculation window is higher or lower than a threshold.
  • Percentage Match - This rule matches when the percentage of document in the match bucket within a calculation window is higher or lower than a threshold.