AD configuration

The AD configuration should be done in the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file.

Below is a list of settings to be made in the elasticsearch.yml file (the commented section in the file in order for the AD settings to start working, this fragment should be uncommented):

|**Direcitve**                                  | **Description**                                           |
| ------------------------------------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| # LDAP                                        |                                                           |
| #ldaps:                                       |                                                           |
| # - name: \"\"                     |# domain that is configured                                |
| # host: \",\"               |# list of server for this domain                           |
| # port: 389                                   |# optional, default 389 for unencrypted session or 636 for encrypted sessions      |
|# ssl\_enabled: false                          |# optional, default true                                   |
|# ssl\_trust\_all\_certs: true                 |# optional, default false                                  |
|# ssl.keystore.file: \"path\"                  |# path to the truststore store                             |
|# ssl.keystore.password: \"path\"              |# password to the trusted certificate store                        |
|# bind\_dn: [[admin\]              |# account name administrator                               |
|# bind\_password: \"password\"                 |# password for the administrator account                       |
|# search\_user\_base\_DN: \"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\" |# search for the DN user tree database                         |
|# user\_id\_attribute: \"uid                   |# search for a user attribute optional, by default \"uid\"                     |
|# search\_groups\_base\_DN:\"OU=lab,DC=example,DC=com\"|# group database search. This is a catalog main, after which the groups will be sought.|
|# unique\_member\_attribute: \"uniqueMember\"      |# optional, default\"uniqueMember\"                            |
|# connection\_pool\_size: 10                       |# optional, default 30                                 |
|# connection\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                     |# optional, default 1                                  |
|# request\_timeout\_in\_sec: 10                        |# optional, default 1                                  |
|# cache\_ttl\_in\_sec: 60                              |# optional, default 0 - cache disabled                         |

If we want to configure multiple domains, then in this configuration file we copy the # LDAP section below and configure it for the next domain.

Below is an example of how an entry for 2 domains should look like. (It is important to take the interpreter to read these values ​​correctly).

After completing the LDAP section entry in the elasticsearch.yml file, save the changes and restart the service with the command:

# systemctl restart elasticsearch