Mapping, Fielddata and Templates

Mapping is a collection of fields along with a specific data type Fielddata is the field in which the data is stored (requires a specific type - string, float) Template is a template based on which fielddata will be created in a given index.

  • Information on all set mappings:\

# curl -XGET -u login:password ''

  • Information about all mappings set in the index:\

# curl -XGET -u login:password '*?pretty=true'

  • Information about the type of a specific field:\

# curl -XGET -u login:password '*?pretty=true'

  • Information on all set templates:\

# curl -XGET -u login:password '*?pretty=true'

  • Create - Mapping / Fielddata - It creates index twitter-float and the tweet message field sets to float:

       *`# curl -XPUT -u login:password '' -d '{`*\
         *`"mappings": {`*\
           *`"tweet": {`*\
             *`"properties": {`*\
               *`"message": {`*\
                 *`"type": "float"`*\

    # curl -XGET -u login:password ''

  • Create Template:\

    # curl -XPUT -u login:password '' -d'{"template" : "twitter4","order" : 0,"settings" : {"number_of_shards" : 2}}'

# curl -XPOST -u login:password '' -d'{\

*`"user" : "lab1",`*\
*`"post_date" : "2017-08-25T10:10:00",`*\
*`"message" : "test of ID generation"`*\

# curl -XGET -u login:password ''

– Create Template2 - Sets the mapping template for all new indexes specifying that the tweet data, in the field called message, should be of the “string” type:\

*`# curl -XPUT -u login:password '' -d'{`*\
  *`"template" : "*",`*\
  *`"mappings": {`*\
    *`"tweet": {`*\
      *`"properties": {`*\
        *`"message": {`*\
          *`"type": "string"`*\
  • Delete Mapping - Deleting a specific index mapping (no possibility to delete - you need to index):\

# curl -XDELETE -u login:password ''

  • Delete Template:\

# curl -XDELETE -u login:password ''