Configuring Single Sign On (SSO)

In order to configure SSO, the system should be accessible by domain name URL, not IP address nor localhost.

Ok : Wrong : https://localhost:5601/login,

In order to enable SSO on your system follow below steps. The configuration is made for AD:, GUI URL:

Create an User Account for Elasticsearch auth plugin

In this step, a Kerberos Principal representing Elasticsearch auth plugin is created on the Active Directory. The principal name would be name@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM, while the DEV.EXAMPLE.COM is the administrative name of the realm. In our case, the principal name will be esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM.

Create User in AD. Set “Password never expires” and “Other encryption options” as shown below:

Define Service Principal Name (SPN) and Create a Keytab file for it

Use the following command to create the keytab file and SPN:

C:> ktpass -out c:\Users\Administrator\esauth.keytab -princ HTTP/ -mapUser esauth -mapOp set -pass ‘Sprint$123’ -crypto ALL -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL

Values highlighted in bold should be adjusted for your system. The esauth.keytab file should be placed on your elasticsearch node - preferably /etc/elasticsearch/ with read permissions for elasticsearch user: chmod 640 /etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab chown elasticsearch: /etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab

Create a file named krb5Login.conf:{ required
    principal="esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM" useKeyTab=true
    keyTab=/etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab storeKey=true debug=true;
    }; { required
    principal="esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM" useKeyTab=true
    keyTab=/etc/elasticsearch/esauth.keytab storeKey=true debug=true;

Principal user and keyTab location should be changed as per the values created in the step 2. Make sure the domain is in UPPERCASE as shown above. The krb5Login.conf file should be placed on your elasticsearch node, for instance /etc/elasticsearch/ with read permissions for elasticsearch user:

sudo chmod 640 /etc/elasticsearch/krb5Login.conf
sudo chown elasticsearch: /etc/elasticsearch/krb5Login.conf

Append the following JVM arguments (on Elasticsearch node in /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch):

Change the appropriate values in the bold. This JVM arguments has to be set for Elasticsearch server.

Add the following additional (sso.domain, service_principal_name, service_principal_name_password) settings for ldap in elasticsearch.yml or properties.yml file wherever the ldap settings are configured:

sso.domain: ""
- name: ""
    host: "IP_address"
    port: 389                                                 # optional, default 389
    ssl_enabled: false                                        # optional, default    true
    ssl_trust_all_certs: false                                 # optional, default false
    bind_dn: ""                     # optional, skip for anonymous bind
    bind_password: "administrator_password"                                 # optional, skip for anonymous bind
    search_user_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=com"
    user_id_attribute: "uid"                                  # optional, default "uid"
    search_groups_base_DN: "OU=lab,DC=dev,DC=it,DC=example,DC=com"
    unique_member_attribute: "uniqueMember"                   # optional, default "uniqueMember"
    service_principal_name: "esauth@DEV.EXAMPLE.COM"
    service_principal_name_password : "Sprint$123"

Note: At this moment, SSO works for only single domain. So you have to mention for what domain SSO should work in the above property sso.domain

To apply the changes restart Elasticsearch service

sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service

Enable SSO feature in kibana.yml file:

kibana.sso_enabled: true After that Kibana has to be restarted: sudo systemctl restart kibana.service

Client (Browser) Configuration

Internet Explorer configuration

  1. Goto Internet Options from Tools menu and click on Security Tab:

  1. Select Local intranet, click on Site -> Advanced -> Add the url:

After adding the site click close.

  1. Click on custom level and select the option as shown below:

Chrome configuration

For Chrome, the settings are taken from IE browser.

Firefox configuration

Update the following config: